Thursday, January 23, 2014

Some Days...

Some days are so tiring that there is just nothing left to do but paint your nails a bright color to give you some energy.  Or pop on a bright scarf.... or bright shoes...... or dream of somewhere warm while sipping hot chocolate. ;)

There's a wall at home covered in quotes!  Have you tried washi tape for projects like this?  I didn't quite get the hype, but now I'm convinced!  It's very cute!  I used a variety of wide washi tape to put up the quotes!

As I'm dreaming of warmth and colors (what's up, America?  Everyone's getting hit by the cold fronts!), I am thinking of a kid's poem.  It seems to describe this day, and it's a poem I read when I was just a little wee one.

The reason I like chocolate
by Nikki Giovani

The reason I like chocolate

is I can lick my fingers
and nobody tells me I'm not polite
I especially like scary movies
'cause I can snuggle with Mommy
or my big sister and they don't laugh
I like to cry sometimes 'cause
everybody says "what's the matter
don't cry"
and I like books
for all those reasons
but mostly 'cause they just make me
and I really like
to be happy

Hope you're having a lovely and warm day!  (Or at least enjoying dreaming of one.... ;) )

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